Interesting article, but The Economist still has not received the memo that plant-based, more specifically "Whole Foods, Plant-Based" is not another word for vegan, but is a profound nutritional paradigm shift courtesy of Cornell Prof. Emeritus T. Colin Campbell, who nowadays heads up the Center for Nutrition Studies. The shift is as radical as the shift from the earth is flat to the earth is round. vegan is about what you don't eat (animal products), whole foods, plant-based (plant-based for short) is about what you do eat (whole (i.e. only minimally processed) foods, plant-based, without added sugar, oil or salt.
It is not only a revolution in nutrition in general, but in medicine also, because 37 of the 40 leading causes of death in the US are diet related and can be prevented and largely reversed with a whole foods, plant-based diet.