Third Open Letter to NY and CT AGs regarding Covid Censorship on Social Media

Rogier van Vlissingen
6 min readMay 10, 2021



Subject: Consumer Protection regarding Covid-19 Vaccine information.

Dear Madam Attorney General:

Following my earlier open letters on the issues you raised in your WaPo article with CT AG William Tong, things are presently developing fast and furious and the matter deserves your serious attention in exactly the opposite direction of your WaPo article. I continue to think a retraction of the article would serve you well. The consumer needs protection from the completely arbitrary censorship by private industry that endangers their access to vital medical information. The major social media are now increasingly part of the problem set and are creating a totalitarian culture that is not compatible with free democratic government, nor with scientific principles in general, or with the laws of this country. One cannot legislate science, let alone “truth” of any kind. That may be a dream of totalitarian regimes, but it is completely anti-democratic, not to mention anti-truth. All of those tendencies go back to the CCP-origins of the whole lockdown regime, which has been extensively documented by Michael P. Senger. The obvious interests at stake are the ideological win for China and the CCP, and the marketing win for the pharmaceutical industry, along with the potential win for the IT industry. In both of these last two categories, the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation has a beneficial interest through the trust that finances their operations. We should bear in mind that Mr. Gates is an unelected “official,” and in a less charitable light, his actions might actually constitute corruption at the highest level.

While private companies obviously have a right to impose terms of service, within reason, it should be questioned if that extends to the suppression of vital scientific information in a matter of extreme public interest such as the Coronavirus, when their mission as social media is to serve as a public forum. Freedom of information is a core democratic principle. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Medium all censor content to one degree or another in ways that significantly exceed any reasonable “community standards.” The Nuremberg Code clearly makes it a crime against humanity to apply any form of coercion in patient participation in medical experiments. This makes it even more urgent that the consumer should be protected against the arbitrary censorship of these organizations. It is bad enough that the world seems to have relegated public health to an un-elected official in the person of Bill Gates, who has simply bought access at the highest levels, and is evidently making a lot of money on vaccines, regardless if that is for the trust that benefits his “charitable” foundation or for his personal account.

Prominently, it should be clear that the pejorative term “anti-vaxxer” is a smearword that is used by the pharmaceutical industry and its minions to stifle the public dialog and denigrates the many prominent doctors and scientists most of whom are not opposed to vaccination, but are advocating for appropriate use of vaccination technology. Some are willing to assume the safety of the current vaccines, but advocate for more selective applications, others criticize some vaccines more than others, while others simply observe the fact that the IFR of 0.05% for the under 70, combined with the availability of effective and very cheap, preventive and treatment protocols simply does not justify vaccination as a strategy, as there simply is no pandemic in light of those facts. Certainly, as Attorneys General, you should not validate the use of such a pejorative.

One of the searing examples of dangerous censorship occurred on Medium when it removed a letter of warning posted by the Doctors for Covid Ethics. I will post this present letter on Medium, minus the appendices, which contain the article in question and a list of the founding signatories of Doctors for Covid Ethics.

Meanwhile, in France, Professor Didier Raoult argues that there should be more clarity about the benefits and risks associated with taking Covid vaccines, as reported here: He argues that the advent of adverse reactions is far too frequent to ignore — he says 70% of cases have adverse reactions of one kind or another.

In the USA it is clear that the VAERS reporting system is overflowing with reports at an unprecedented rate, even though it is thought to capture only some 1–4% of actual adverse reactions as they are widely under-reported. Here is a report (Tweet) from Alex Berenson on 5/7/21:

Another week, another 39,000 adverse event reports following #Covid vaccines added to VAERS. That’s 157,000 reports so far, including 9,200 deaths, permanent disabilities, or life threatening events — but the true number of reports is far higher, though @cdcgov won’t disclose it.

Meanwhile some of the pharma companies are trying to outrun the bad news by filing for an accelerated full approval with FDA. Such should probably never be considered under any circumstance, but it does make it clear that the suppression of critical information is potentially endangering the health interest of the American public. Also the approvals now being sought for vaccinating children surely have no medical basis, as children effectively have a negligible Covid risk, so that they are the clearest group where the vaccines would increase and not decrease the risk.

At this point, it is clearly all about vaccine sales and the concern for public health is tenuous at best, since the recommendation to vaccinate the total population is based on the emergency conditions which are now quickly expiring. But again, from the legal point of view, what matters is the free access to information, enabling consumers to make an informed decision.

For the record, I myself have had Covid during my 70th year of life and according to the literature, I therefore now have immunity for up to 17 years. (See ).

Lastly, the German Corona-Ausschuss with an international team of some 1,000 lawyers and some 10,000 medical experts are instrumental in preparing and filing lawsuits in many jurisdictions around the globe that may culminate some day in criminal prosecutions for Crimes against Humanity under the Nuremberg Code. 23 Nazi doctors were hanged at Nuremberg for less than what is happening today under our very eyes, if one takes the scale of these experiments into account. The latest status report on these international legal actions in English can be found on YouTube currently, in the videos covering their international legal offensive parts 1 & 2,, and

As far as the US is concerned, we now know that Florida is already suing the CDC, and it seems sure that this is only the beginning as the the reports an analyses are growing that show that government actions, the so-called Non Pharmaceutical Interventions (NPI) have made this crisis anywhere from 10x to 100x worse, and are based on an avalanche of faulty information, starting with some confusions over infection fatality rates and most importantly a faulty test, the Drosten-PCR test, which is now being thrown out by courts around the world, since it cannot determine an actual infection, and therefore a positive PCR test can never document a “case” of Covid in the medical sense.

In short, it is high time that you remove the blemish of that Washington Post article from your record and choose the side of the law. I hope and pray that wisdom and not political partisanship will guide you in whatever further steps you choose to take in this matter. We have surely seen enough of how partisanship can destroy any democracy and it is of extreme importance that the law remain objective and independent.

Appendix 1:
About Doctors for Covid Ethics

We are hundreds of doctors and scientists from all corners of the globe. We have written three letters to the European Medicines Agency, urgently warning of short term and long term dangers from COVID-19 vaccines, including clotting, bleeding and platelet abnormalities. We first began warning of blood-related risks before media reports of clotting led to vaccine suspensions around the world. In the absence of crucial safety data, we are demanding the immediate withdrawal of all experimental gene-based COVID-19 vaccines. We oppose vaccine passports, which threaten public health and violate Nuremberg and other protections. We are warning that ‘health passes’ place coercive pressure on citizens to submit to dangerous medical experimentation, in return for freedoms that once were human rights. Read our letters, press releases and educational materials, and watch our videos, to learn more. Follow us on Twitter @Drs4CovidEthics.

Appendix 2:



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